
No Time to Worry About Popularity

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As I continue to speak out on what I feel are the problems that plague the Orange Unified School District, the consistent response from my colleagues and critics appear to be the divisiveness that is being created.

I cannot agree more that my public comments have cast a divided shadow on our board, which is not in the best interests of our community.

Nevertheless, I feel it would be far more detrimental for all of those involved with OUSD if I were to sit back and remain silent.


I was not elected to get along with my colleagues, nor was I elected to support their every move.

So far no one has yet to step forward and refute with documentation, as I have provided, my claims which include an interim superintendent who has not been forthcoming to the citizens of our school district.

My colleagues and critics may accuse me of not being a team player, but based on what I feel is an obvious lack of empathy toward the citizens of our community displayed by the majority of the OUSD Board, this is one team I do not want to be part of.



President, Board of Education

Orange Unified School District
