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Life in the fast lane. Slang from the cellular-phone set:

brick n . a large, heavy, ugly, outdated portable phone. “Don’t tell me you’re still using that old brick.

bundling n. the illegal practice of telling a customer that cellular service activation is required with a phone purchase.

cell n . the triangular antenna that transfers a call from a mobile phone to the land-line phone network. “Good news! PacTel just put in a new cell in Newport Beach.”

dead zone n . an area with poor or nonexistent cellular service. “Hang on, I’m coming up to a dead zone.

ESN electronic serial number that allows the phone user to disconnect the phone if it’s stolen.

hands-free n . a small microphone, usually mounted on the vehicle visor, that allows a mobile-phone user to keep both hands on the wheel while conversing. “I’m coming up on some heavy traffic. Let me put you on the hands-free.

roam v. to use a cellular phone when traveling outside of your home service area. “Hi honey, I’m roaming in San Francisco.”

talk-time n. number of minutes of conversation allowed by a phone battery.
