
Dear White House... : Beginning Jan. 20, these Clinton Administration Cabinet members will direct the departments, bureaucracies and policies affecting millions of Americans. Here is a description of their responsibilities, and phone numbers and addresses for their offices.

Compiled by D'Jamila Salem


Zoe Baird

Conducts all suits in the Supreme Court, represents the government in legal matters and offers legal advice to the President and executive departments.

Department of Justice

10th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W.

Washington 20530

(202) 514-2000



Donna Shalala

Oversees welfare programs, evaluates health care therapies and approves new drugs. She also is responsible for the Social Security system.

Department of Health and Human Services

200 Independence Ave., S.W.

Washington 20201

(202) 690-6343



Hazel O’Leary

Responsibilities range from overseeing the nuclear weapons industry to promoting energy conservation. Operates the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.


Department of Energy

Forrestal Building

1000 Independence Ave., S.W.

Washington 20585

(202) 586-4940



Warren Christopher

Advises the President in formulating and executing American foreign policy. The department supervises diplomatic personnel.

Department of State

2201 C St., N.W.

Washington 20520

(202) 647-6575



Les Aspin

Provides the forces needed to deter war. Coordinates logistics and general administration for the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps; awards military contracts.

Department of Defense

The Pentagon

Washington 20301

(703) 695-2113



Lloyd Bentsen

Oversees the government’s financial affairs, including managing the $4-trillion debt. Oversees the Internal Revenue Service.


Department of the Treasury

1500 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.

Washington 20220

(202) 622-2000



Jesse Brown

Oversees benefits for Americans who have served in the armed forces. Also responsible for the veterans’ health care network.

Department of Veterans Affairs

810 Vermont Ave., N.W.

Washington 20420

(202) 535-8459



Robert B. Reich

Administers laws guaranteeing workers’ rights. These include laws on the minimum wage, pensions and worker safety.

Department of Labor

200 Constitution

Ave., N.W.

Washington 20210

(202) 219-5000



Richard W. Riley

Administers all federal education assistance, including loans for higher education, preschool programs and adult education. Provides aid for disabled children.


Department of Education

400 Maryland Ave., S.W.

Washington 20202

(202) 708-5366



Bruce Babbitt

Operates the country’s system of federal parks and monuments. Enforces the federal law protecting endangered species.

Department of the Interior

1849 C St., N.W.

Washington 20240

(202) 208-7351



Ronald H. Brown

Promotes international trade, domestic economic growth and technological advancements.

Department of Commerce

14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W.

Washington 20230

(202) 482-3200



Carol Browner

Enforces federal pollution control laws. An independent agency in the executive branch, the EPA is not officially Cabinet level.

Environmental Protection Agency

401 M St., S.W.

Washington 20460

(202) 260-2080



Mike Espy

Responsible for subsidies to farmers, rural development, the Forest Service and meat and poultry inspections.

Department of Agriculture

14th Street and Independence Avenue, S.W.

Washington 20250

(202) 720-2791



Henry G. Cisneros

Responsible for public housing assistance, urban renewal, financial grants and government guaranteed purchase loans.

Housing and Urban Development

451 Seventh St., S.W.

Washington 20410

(202) 708-1420



Federico Pena

Oversees highway planning, urban mass transit, oil and gas pipelines. Regulates air commerce and the control of air space, railroads and ports.

Department of Transportation

400 Seventh St., S.W.

Washington 20590

(202) 366-4000

Sources: Federal Yellow Pages, The Presidential-Congressional Political Dictionary.

The President or Vice President

1600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.

Washington 20500

(202) 456-1414


Before the inauguration

To reach Clinton or his appointees before Jan. 20:

Presidential transition office

1120 Vermont Ave., N.W.

Washington 20270



Office of Management and Budget: Leon E. Panetta

17th Sreet and

Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington 20503

(202) 395-3000


U.S. Trade Representative: Mickey Kantor

Winder Building 600

17th Street, N.W.

Washington 20506

(202) 395-3230


United Nations Ambassador: Madeleine Albright

799 United Nations Plaza

New York, N.Y. 10017

(212) 415-4000


National Security Adviser: Anthony Lake

17th Street and

Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington 20506

(202) 456-7140
