
EDUCATION : Some New Year’s Resolutions for the Well-Rounded Student

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The old year is on its way out the door faster than an English major in a math class.

That means you’ve got to make the most of the remaining hours to compose your New Year’s resolutions--especially if you are a student.

But instead of the usual promises to stop procrastinating and do your homework, try some concrete and practical ways to learn more in 1993.

* It all starts with getting organized, so first resolve to get a date book. Many students buy date books that have catchy features and flashy covers, but a simple pocket calendar works just as well. You may find a stack of free daily planners in your school’s offices or neighborhood banks and stores.


Your teacher may have a few free date books too since teachers usually get a bunch of them from area organizations and businesses this time of year.

Bear in mind, though, that your date book is worthless unless you use it: Write all homework deadlines, test dates and social appointments in it.

* Promise to try some new daily habits for your schoolwork’s sake too. For example, spend at least 20 minutes on each subject every day. If you have nothing assigned in a subject, spend the time reviewing.


Twenty minutes may not sound like much, but consider its cumulative effect over a semester. It is much better than cramming desperately for midterm and final exams.

* Television is often cited as the cause of careless study habits, so watch less of it in 1993.

Try different kinds of programs too. Catch at least one newscast a few times each week so you will know about the world you live in, and how you are most likely to be affected by its events. Sit through a PBS program now and then, preferably one that ties in with your studies at school.


* Read for fun every day, whether you prefer fantasy novels, comic books or sports magazines. These sessions do not have to be long, and they probably will vary with your schedule.

The more you read, the faster a reader you will become, and that is a definite advantage in school.

* Vow to keep a journal, whether you write every day or just on particularly good or bad occasions. It helps you work out problems, relieve stress, vent strong emotions and write more clearly.

One word of caution about journals: Parents sometimes stumble upon them, so realize that some thoughts are best left inside your own head.

* Daily exercise should be another resolution for a well-rounded student, and the academic advantages should not surprise anyone. Exercise clears your head, makes you more alert, and creates self-confidence and self-discipline, all of which carry over to other areas.

* Join a club or organization at school (if you haven’t already). It is a safe, structured way to make friends if you are shy, and many students find that it helps give them a motive for going to school in the morning. Besides, down the road, club membership looks good on college and job applications.


* Get involved in community service. Find a cause you care about and help it along, whether it is the environment, needy people or politics.

* Take a computer literacy class (or at least typing) at school, regardless of your college or career plans. Keyboard skills are now required for an increasing number of entry-level and part-time jobs.

Typing well also will save a lot of time in college, where a large number of assignments must be typed.

* Besides the subjects you study in school, think of one you have always wanted to know more about and then pursue it in your spare time--maybe just an hour a week.

Think about this: if you learn about a new topic each year, imagine how smart and interesting you will be by adulthood. You also will have a larger and more enjoyable variety of friends and hobbies.

* Finally, no matter what your grade level, start thinking ahead toward college and your career. Ask a school counselor what you can do this year to work toward your goal, whether it is looking through college catalogues or asking questions of a professional in the field that you would like to enter.


Make an informal diagram showing a realistic and specific path to your dream college or career, post it on a wall at home and keep your resolution to start pursuing it in the new year.

Of course, few students have time to keep all of their resolutions, but implementing even just a couple of them will help make you more successful and proud in 1993.

Mary Laine Yarber teaches English at Santa Monica High School.
