
Where There’s Firing There’s Heat

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I should like to dispel any misconceptions regarding my removal from the Anaheim Redevelopment Commission (“Anaheim Council Fires 3 Commissioners,” Dec. 16). Mayor (Tom) Daly’s justification was to fulfill a pledge “to improve the quality of the commissions.” The actual reason was, of course, political retribution for my support of (former) Mayor (Fred) Hunter and Councilman (William D.) Ehrle.

One could conclude that I bet on the wrong horses in the race. I believe I picked the right choices for the city on the wrong race day. The real losers in this are the activist homeowners groups who will be further deprived of representation. I continue to believe that the majority of Anaheim residents want the integrity of their neighborhoods protected and remain skeptical of 30-year redevelopment projects to solve short-term problems.

I am personally quite relieved to not serve under the new majority. It frees the time I had volunteered to the commission to work in opposition to the council’s billion-dollar gift of taxpayers’ money to the Disney Co. with complete impunity.



