
Airport Etiquette

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I recently returned to LAX from a two-month trip to Australia. My plane arrived 40 minutes late but since I still had nearly an hour before my next flight, I was not concerned. However, we arrived to a full terminal. Time was ticking by. The customs declaration form asked if we were carrying food. I walked up to the head of the long line and said to one of the officers, “I have some Planter’s Peanuts . . . I am willing to give them to you if I can avoid this line. I need to catch a connecting plane!” He said, “Wait your turn in line.”

After that, I needed to pay $25 duty on the excess money I spent on souvenirs so I had to stand in another line. By now I had about 19 minutes to catch the plane. The man ahead of me was fumbling for a check or a credit card. I spoke to the woman who was cashiering, “May I hand you the exact change, since I am trying to catch a flight?” Her response: “I’m helping him; wait your turn.”

I am writing to you because we need to understand that if foreign visitors receive similar treatment at LAX, it will certainly negatively impact tourism. Additionally, it seems that customs should establish a few separate lines for those trying to connect with other flights in less than an hour.



La Mesa
