
O.C. Congressmen Praise Bush’s Decision : Military: They voice full support for the President’s move to launch a limited air strike against Iraq.

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Orange County’s conservative congressmen on Wednesday praised President Bush’s decision to launch a limited air strike against Iraq, but several suggested he should have ordered the action earlier, or taken it further.

“I have to take my hat off,” said freshman Rep. Jay C. Kim (R-Diamond Bar), who represents Yorba Linda and other parts of northern Orange County.

“I’m supporting (Bush) 100%. But I wish he would (order) fuller bombing, capture this guy (Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein) and bring him back to California.”


Rep. Edward R. Royce (R-Fullerton), who also is serving his first term in Congress, suggested that the United States should target Hussein personally if the Iraqi strongman retaliates for the allied air raid.

“If there is any type of force shown by Saddam Hussein at this point,” Royce said, “then I think the reaction should be overwhelming. I would argue that would give us a reason to target Saddam . . . make it a military goal to neutralize the chain of command.”

Rep. Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove), who serves on the House Armed Services Committee, said he is pleased with President Bush’s decision to attack Iraqi military targets, but added, “I just wish it had been six months ago.”


The latest episode is not likely to end the ongoing confrontation between Iraq and the United States and its allies, the congressman said.

“Since Saddam has dry rot in his brain, (President-elect Bill) Clinton will be tested,” Dornan added.

In ordering the strike, Dornan said Bush “has done Clinton a real service. . . . He leaves Clinton with an ongoing situation, so it’s not difficult for (Clinton) to move. What was always going to be difficult for Clinton, with his draft-dodging background, was initiating any (military) action.”


One of Bush’s staunchest supporters in Congress, Dornan repeatedly criticized Clinton during the presidential campaign, at one point calling him a draft dodger.

Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach) said Bush’s action “was all but required. Saddam Hussein has been obviously provocative, and is obviously interested in testing President-elect Clinton. If ever anyone deserved a punch in the nose, it was Saddam Hussein during these last few months.”

Cox said he has no doubt that American military officials have contingency plans to swiftly retaliate if Hussein counterattacks.

“And I haven’t any doubt that the contingency plan is to deal with it through overpowering force.”

In addition to focusing on Saddam Hussein’s military response, Cox said, the United States would do well to cultivate relations with Iraqis who might some day form a government in exile.

Rep. Ron Packard (R-Oceanside), who represents southern Orange County, agreed with his colleagues, saying: “I think Hussein was pushing the limits and there simply had to be some kind of reaction to it. Otherwise, he was going to exploit the changeover in administrations to every extent he could.”


Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) was traveling in Taiwan and was not immediately available for comment. Rohrabacher has previously said that he would favor military action aimed at removing Hussein from power.
