
Israeli Expulsions

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Israel is out of control. On the one hand, Israel seeks to persuade President-elect Clinton that Islam is the next great enemy (“Israel Sees Self Defending West Against Militants,” Jan. 2). On the other hand, Israel continues to claim to be a democracy (Uri Oren’s letter, Jan. 2). Let’s examine the issues.

Communists, single party dictatorships, and foreign rulers or invaders hold sway over many Muslim areas of the former Soviet Union, Algeria, Syria, Myanmar, Bosnia, Kashmir, and other countries. When Muslim parties win elections, the West encourages totalitarian coups d’etat, as in Algeria, or stands aside in the face of brutal invasion, as in Bosnia and Kashmir. Is it odd that many Muslims feel that the West is either indifferent to their human rights, or an aggressor?

Taxation without representation. Arrests in the pre-dawn hours. Imprisonment or deportation without charges, trials, or legal due process. This is the record of Israeli democracy. We would never allow it in America. Where is Israel’s high moral standard?


Palestinians unjustly exiled to a militarized neutral zone are injured by Israeli mercenaries. Israel claims that it has no obligation to these men. Where is Israel’s high moral standard?

Assassination of its enemies in friendly countries. Spying on America and selling the results to the former Soviet Union. Where is Israel’s high moral standard?

Israel, it seems to me, is the threat to Western morality. For if we can accept its unjustifiable actions, then maybe our government will copy them. And, who is to stop the application from being made to small religious minorities?



Practical Islamic Center

Rancho Palos Verdes
