
Israeli Expulsions

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Every terrorist has a mother; some have wives and children. But being a son, a husband or a father should not, as Michael Parks seems to suggest (“Loneliness Haunts Families of Deportees,” Jan. 3), obscure the fact that a terrorist is still a terrorist.

Instead of accurately identifying the deportees as members of Islamic Jihad and Hamas, two fundamentalist, terrorist organizations that publicly advocate the murder of Jews, the destruction of Israel, the murder of Americans, and the destruction of all “Western Imperialists,” Parks’ article tries to portray these deported individuals as family men who were innocently conducting personal and family business at the time of their being deported.

The facts are that Islamic Jihad and Hamas have committed numerous murders, atrocities, beheadings and torture of Jews as well as fellow Palestinians. According to Hamas leaflet No. 65 (1990), “it is an obligation to kill all Jews.” And, according to Article 13 of the Hamas covenant, “there is no solution to the Palestinian question except through Jihad (Holy War). Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”


In a perfect world, no man would be forcibly removed from his family. But neither would he belong to an organization that has killed and brutalized the husbands, sons and fathers of many others.


North Hollywood
