
Appliance Check Good Safety Idea

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One of the most important home safety measures you can take is to have a technician from the Southern California Gas Co. perform a safety check of the gas appliances in your home at least once a year.

The inspections are usually free.

Problems the technician will check for include improper venting of poisonous fumes, proper flame size or color, “pinhole” or larger gas leaks and general safe operation of the appliance in its location.

This service is particularly important with gas furnaces over two years old because with age, the “firebox,” the area where the flames are actually burning, can develop cracks that allow carbon monoxide to enter the air stream that circulates through the living space.


Since carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless, you may be unknowingly exposing your family to this deadly poison.

Contact the gas company, listed in the white pages of your local phone directory, for an appointment.
