
Baird’s Hiring of Immigrants

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President Clinton’s persistence in his selection of Zoe Baird as his attorney general belies the high promise of Warren Christopher’s leadership of the transition team and the pledges made by it. It is now clear that Baird violated the law by knowingly employing illegal immigrants as her nanny and chauffeur, and possibly by tax evasion as well. Unless the nomination is withdrawn, those of us who discounted the “Slick Willie” rhetoric as campaign fluff are forced into believing the truth of the charge. Those of us who served in the Eisenhower Justice Department under Atty. Gens. Herbert Brownell and William Rogers will see our hopes of correction of the excesses in the administration of the department over the last eight years dashed.

The Immigration and Naturalization Service is part of the Department of Justice, and the attorney general is charged with enforcement of the law. The mandate of the attorney general does not countenance a regime in which law is not enforced against those who violate it to maintain a yuppie lifestyle. Baird’s explanation for her conduct rings hollow. At some price the services of legal competent help was undoubtedly available. Baird was simply unwilling to pay it and the related Social Security taxes despite her and her husband’s $600,000 per year income. What has become of Clinton’s pledge to make some dent in the budget deficit by vigorous enforcement of the tax law?


La Jolla

The writer is a retired justice of the California Court of Appeal.
