
O.C. Arts Center Posts Less Income, Expenses for ’92

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It might not have been a year of diminished expectations, but 1992 was one of diminished results at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Programming, ticket sales, attendance and fund raising all dropped during the year, but officials nevertheless managed to end up with a surplus of slightly more than half a million dollars.

The reason: Expenses were also down, from $19.7 million in 1991 to $17.3 million.

A total of 295 performances were staged at the Center in ‘92, an 8% drop from the ’91 total of 321, officials announced Thursday. The decline, primarily in Broadway musicals, resulted in a $2.2 million (or 15%) drop in revenue, to $13.4 million. Paid adult attendance at Center presentations was down about 17%, to 268,678.

Fund raising (including interest from an endowment) was down from $5.2 million to $4.5 million, a drop of 13 percent.
