
Attacks on Homosexuals

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In my younger and less cautious years, I was the (pardon the expression) “victim” on several occasions of groups of “straight boys,” roving to find “queers” to beat up or rob. I am told by those who seek to justify this behavior that these young men are simply going through a rite of manhood. What has always puzzled me about these experiences is that the straight boys usually outnumbered the queers by at least two to one. I have to wonder aloud what this says about their so-called manhood.

In the recent Orange County attack, a 200-pound football player, accompanied by three other males, attempted to kill a 125-pound Asian (Jan. 12). I also was once attacked by four “bashers”. Fortunately, I was large enough to fight them off and make a run for it before they could do me serious damage. The Orange County victim was not so fortunate.

To the parents of these and other boys who might be inclined to participate in this kind of brutality, I suggest that you teach your sons that a real man doesn’t have to prove his manhood by attacking those who are weaker or outnumbered. Real manhood is expressed in a sense of justice, integrity and fairness, and the willingness to come to the defense of those who may be weaker.



Van Nuys
