
A look at noteworthy addresses in the Southland.

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Haidar Abdel Shafi, head of the Palestinian delegation to the Middle East peace talks, spoke Tuesday at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles on the status of the talks. His speech was sponsored by Town Hall of California. From his remarks:

On the Middle East Peace Negotiations “The world attention continues to be focused on the Middle East. Indeed, it continues to be focused in spite of the sense of frustration . . . (since) the peace process has not been progressing for one year. Now, I think it stands to reason that peace can neither be established at the expense of any party’s security nor at the expense of the basic and innate rights of the other party. Peace only rests on the basis of fairness and justice. . . ..

We wanted . . . to see an end to our tragedy, to our suffering, but certainly not at the expense of our basic and innate rights. Our position is not intransigent. We have agreed to have our state only in a small part of our Palestinian territory. That meant that we have moved 180 degrees from our initial position, which is justified in terms of our right to self-determination.


I think no sane person wants to see this peace opportunity slip from our hands because the alternative is simply unbearable.”

On Role of U.S. in Talks

“I have great hope that President Clinton will have a positive and effective role in seeing that this peace process will advance.

. . . Indeed, the United States really should play a very active and helpful role. The U.S. defined its role since the beginning of the peace process as a catalyst role. It has been proven in this one year of negotiations without any progress that this role is not enough, especially in light of this asymmetry of power that is to the advantage of Israel.


Traditionally or historically the powerful party always is reluctant to give anything to the other side. The impasse is simply because Israel does not want to respect or be committed to the terms of reference. That’s where the United States can play an active and decisive role.”

Looking Ahead

Sunday: Federico Mayor Zaragoza, director general of UNESCO, on a resolution for the United States to rejoin the United Nations, at the Doubletree Hotel, Pasadena, noon. Sponsored by the Southern California Division of the United Nations Assn., (818) 449-1795.

Wednesday: Lenora Fulani, chairperson of the New Alliance Party, will speak on “The Making of a Fringe Candidate,” at Claremont McKenna College, 6:45 p.m. Call (909) 621-8099.
