
Audrey Hepburn

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With the passing of Audrey Hepburn come all of the natural superlatives: beautiful, elegant, chic, graceful.

It must be noted too that with such attributes came also sheer, unadulterated talent. A classic example can clearly be seen in the opening sequence of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” Without dialogue, to the strains of “Moon River,” Hepburn, draped in a Givenchy gown, steps out of a cab, stands before Tiffany’s, peers into the glass and moves from window to window, blithely tilting her head from side to side as she balances a Danish on a paper cup. As the credits fade over, Hepburn tells us nearly everything about Holly Golightly.

Beautiful, elegant and classy--obviously so. Exceptionally talented and a master of her craft--without question.



