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The shrill, almost hysterical Jan. 24 letters in response to the article on Vail (“Why Vail Works, Jan. 10) show the same intolerance that the complaining letter writers claim to be fighting.

The people who wish to apply political correctness to travel and tourism should be ready to boycott most of the world. Besides places that discriminate against homosexuals, we will also have to boycott countries and states that violate their citizen’s civil rights, discriminate against women or minorities and kill whales or otherwise abuse the environment. Colorado and South Africa aren’t the only pariahs. We will need to impose boycotts on almost all of Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, part of Europe and a few states. The decision whether to boycott or not should be a personal one. To impose one’s political views on others is heinous.

The Times should continue to broaden our horizons by covering our nation and the world.


