
Compton : Shouting Match Erupts at School Board Meeting

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A simmering dispute over employment decisions erupted into a shouting match among Compton school board members, some residents and a district employee after Tuesday’s board meeting.

The confrontation included board members Amen Rahh and Lynn Dymally as well as Deputy Supt. Thelma Moore.

The confrontation began when Moore approached board member Rahh to complain about his public criticism of her handling of a brief student disturbance last week at Whaley Middle School. During the meeting, Rahh implied that Moore, and possibly other administrators, had nearly incited a race riot on campus.


Moore said later that she arrived at Whaley after the student protest and her role was only to gather information about what happened. When Moore confronted Rahh, he defended himself and then Dymally defended Moore.

“People are tired of your loudmouth act every board meeting,” Dymally said.

“I don’t have . . . malice in my heart for anybody,” Rahh replied.

“Of course you don’t, that’s why you go dragging this district around in the dirt,” Dymally returned.

Rahh has repeatedly criticized recent promotions and demotions, including the recent elevation of Moore, calling her an unqualified candidate who got the job because of her friendship with a board member. He did not identify the board member.


Moore said she will consult an attorney about whether to pursue slander charges against Rahh. “I like to think that my appointment resulted from my prior experience. I have no information that it resulted from anything else,” said Moore.
