
GORMAN : Factory Outlet Complex OKd Despite Opposition

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Despite opposition from environmental groups and a governmental advisory body, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors this week approved a giant factory outlet complex near Gorman.

The Sierra Club and other environmental groups have vigorously opposed the proposed 90-store Quail Lake Associates complex, saying it will bring the traffic and pollution woes of Los Angeles into the scenic rural area.

The Southern California Assn. of Governments, which advises county agencies, also came out against the proposed complex north of the junction of the Golden State Freeway and California 138. SCAG advised the California Regional Water Quality Control Board against giving the project its water quality permits. SCAG said the negative impact on an area known for its pristine preserves of wildflowers and as part of a condor recovery program outweighs jobs and tax benefits.


Nevertheless, the board voted 3 to 1 to approve the 325,000-square-foot outlet, which is set to open in spring, 1994.
