
In Taxing Times, Track Plan Off on Wrong Foot

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As President Clinton has laid plans to cut federal perks and hike taxes, workers have been laying a $30,000, rubber-lined jogging track around the White House’s south driveway for Clinton’s use.

The construction began about a week ago and was confirmed Wednesday by the President. But Clinton said he had been told that private donations would pay for it and insisted he would only accept it under those conditions.

“I think it would be a good thing to have but, I think, (only) if we can pay for it with contributions,” Clinton told reporters after an afternoon meeting with congressional leaders. “Otherwise I don’t think we ought to spend any tax money on it.”


White House aides, acknowledging some confusion, said the plan had been to use $10,000 in recycled rubber donated by a track construction company and raise another $20,000 in private contributions to pay for additional labor and materials.

But they said that construction had been mistakenly started before a cent had been raised. Now work has been halted until fund raising is complete.

Nonetheless, “I think the American people will see this as reasonable,” Dee Dee Myers, Clinton’s press secretary, said of the track. “He does run a lot, and I think it’s in his interest to do this in as healthful a way as possible.”


She said that “it’s not as easy to go out and run” as it was for Clinton in his hometown of Little Rock, while he was governor of Arkansas.

Although Clinton still plans to go out to jog on some occasions, using the track would eliminate traffic tie-ups that have brought complaints in Washington since he has been President. According to one retired Secret Service agent, use of the White House grounds would probably also please the President’s security staff.

Last week, Clinton announced a clampdown on federal perks, such as the use of limousines, aircraft, executive dining rooms and exclusive health clubs. Myers said no decision had been made on whether others might be able to use the track.


She said the donation of the recycled rubber, which is designed to spare runners’ feet, was the “catalyst” for the project. But she said she was unclear whether White House officials had sought the donation or had been contacted by the company.

Plans for the track were not announced but became apparent when workers gouged a path about five feet wide along the inner circumference of the circular drive.

President Jimmy Carter used to run occasionally on the south side of the White House but was apparently satisfied pounding around the hard surface of the driveway.

As vice president, George Bush occasionally jogged at a track at American University in Northwest Washington. During his presidency, Bush jogged at Haines Point, near the Potomac, as Clinton has done.

Other presidents had added sports facilities at the White House, including the putting green that was added by Bush.
