
Voices and Reactions : IN CONGRESS

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“There are those who say some taxes are a necessary evil. The difference is that Democrats stress the word ‘necessary’ and Republicans stress the word ‘evil.’ ”

--Rep. Robert H. Michel, House minority leader

“The guardians of gridlock are gathering against the President even as the echoes of his challenge are fading from the well of the House.”

--Sen. Jim Sasser, D-Tenn.

“Jimmy Carter in Bill Clinton clothing.”

--Sen. Charles E. Grassley, R-Iowa

“Let the dirt fly, let’s rebuild America.”

Rep. Nick J. Rahall II, D-W. Va.

“The President’s program is tough, but it is fair.”

--Sen. George J. Mitchell, Senate majority leader

“If Robin Hood had an evil twin, it would be Bill Clinton.”

Rep. Robert K. Dornan, R-Garden Grove

“Tonight, for the first time in 12 years, a President of the United States told the truth about the budget and the economy.”


--Rep. Richard A. Gephardt, House majority leader


“Clinton hasn’t yet unpacked before he had his hands heading for our pockets.”

--Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform

“I think taxing the higher-income people is a very good idea. As a middle-class person, I would be happy. I have no objections to paying more taxes.”

--Lillyan Peckett, Miami

“He is right to emphasize deficit reduction. I am very skeptical about raising taxes to reduce the deficit. I am very skeptical about the ability of Congress to respond to his call.”

--Gov. Pete Wilson of California, a Republican

“I’m prepared to take a hit along with everyone else. That everyone else, I feel importantly, should include the government.”


--David Jensen, Brookline, Mass.

“My favorite line in his speech was when he said there was blame enough for all. This is not the time to point fingers. . . . We have to play the hand we have been dealt.”

--Gov. Thomas R. Carper of Delaware, a Democrat

“I’ve now seen and heard the real Santa Claus. I firmly believe that you can’t be everything to everybody, and I think that this is what he is trying to do.”

--Joyce Terhes, state Republican chairwoman in Maryland

“I don’t mind paying more taxes because if it will make our national budget sound in a few years, it’ll be worth it.”


--Ed Chius, Hoboken, N.J.
