
Alhambra : Growth Issues Spur Action

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The City Council voted unanimously Monday night to extend two temporary measures: a halt on multiunit housing projects and a ban on karaoke clubs and restaurants.

The council extended an ordinance curtailing multiunit residential developments for 10 months and 15 days to allow city staff to survey city neighborhoods.

Alhambra has experienced population growth that surpasses city projections for the year 2000, Mayor Michael Blanco said. To prevent some neighborhoods from being overbuilt, the council imposed the moratorium on areas zoned for high-density development and directed staff to examine the affected blocks.


When the study is complete, some neighborhoods might be recommended for downzoning to protect their residential quality.

Representatives of 28 building projects that had been stopped by the ordinance appealed to the council for exemptions. A hearing has been scheduled for March 1.

In other action, the council extended a ban on commercial karaoke clubs and restaurants for six months. A popular entertainment, some karaoke clubs have attracted illegal activities and violence.


By late summer, the council will establish operating guidelines for sing-along clubs and restaurants.
