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In reference to your editorial “Muslim Encounter,” Feb. 12:

It is about time that the press addresses the issue of the stereotyping of Muslims. Throughout the world and especially in the United States, Muslims are characterized as “terrorists.” It is very ironic that throughout the world Muslims are the ones being killed and persecuted, and their murderers are not labeled “terrorists” or “fundamentalists.”

A second Holocaust is occurring in Europe and the press just labels the aggressors as “Serbian irregulars.” No one associates the Christian community of Serbia as terrorists. No one is answering the cry of World War II, “Never again!”

In India, thousands of Muslims are being killed over their place of worship. When they stand up for their right to worship they are labeled as “fundamentalists.”


Americans know that stereotyping is a wrong and hopefully they will take as much offense at it as the El Toro Marine sergeant.


Muslim Students’ Union

UC Riverside
