
O.C. PLATFORM : Getting Businesslike

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RENE LYONS, owner of the Man in the Moon children's shop on Main Street in Seal Beach, comments on conflicts between merchants and residents, including a new requirement that businesses provide environmental impact reports when they want to remodel, increase hours or expand. She told The Times:

I don’t think city officials have enough retail experience to make decisions wisely for retail establishments. Main Street is definitely a big draw, for living in the area and for visiting.

We need to get our minds set in the ‘90s. It’s not the same as business in the ‘50s, when you opened your door, gave a smile and people came in. We need to be wiser to the fact that when businesses are asking to expand or to stay open longer, it’s not to cause problems. They don’t want problems either. They want to bring in business. And to raise revenue in the city, businesses have to do business.

When you move to an area, and you’re going to live a block away from these establishments, you know what to expect. It’s like people who move (near) an airport. You want to live near the beach, (where) you have this mass of people living in one place, you’re going to have to put up with things.
