
Water Main Break Alarms Residents

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Hillside residents near Verde Canyon got a scare Wednesday night after a city water pipe burst, lifting a street four inches in one place and sending thousands of gallons of water cascading down Avenida Cordoba.

San Clemente Police Lt. Bill Trudeau said a 6- or 10-inch water line broke, and water began seeping up through cracks in the street.

City crews were rushed to the scene about 8:35 p.m. after alarmed homeowners called police. Within half an hour, crews shut off water service to 15 homes and began investigating the cause of the pipeline break.


The neighborhood is east of the San Diego Freeway near Avenida Presidio and about a block from the spot where the Verde Canyon landslide destroyed three homes on Dec. 30, 1983.

No homes were evacuated Wednesday and none appeared to be in any immediate danger, Trudeau said.
