
The Message Is on Track

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The Times is to be commended on its articles informing the public of the safety and education measures rail officials are taking to prevent further needless loss of life.

But even more effective, because they explored the extended human toll, was the sensitive story by Hugo Martin and Nora Zamichow taking readers through the nightmares--as well as a “normal” day--of the engineers who have the responsibility of driving trains through our neighborhoods (“Unwilling Agents of Death” Times Valley Edition, Feb. 17).

I want to thank Danny O’Connell, Tom Stokes, Ronnie Bean, Chris Younger, Ken Clanahan, Eugene Keyes and Steve FitzGerald for their courage in so openly sharing their thoughts and feelings. To feel their pain and anger at being the victims of others’ fateful carelessness is also to empathize with their basic need to get on with their lives and work.


I hope the articles bring them and their fellow engineers the public respect, consideration and support they so fully deserve.

May their messages reach the men, women and children who--because now they might think twice before doing something careless--will not have to die in front of these men.


