
Kids, don’t let your parents read this:...

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Kids, don’t let your parents read this: One of the new candies at the American Wholesale Marketers convention in L.A. is S.N.O.T., which stands for “super nauseating obnoxious treat.” We can’t figure out why it’s described that way, except, perhaps, that it’s dispensed from a plastic nose container.

“I never thought I’d sell candy by telling people it’s disgusting, repulsive or gross,” sales manager Lori Bassett of How Can It Be So Sour Inc., recently told a trade newspaper.

Fans of the disgusting, repulsive or gross will, however, be saddened to hear that another confectioner, Trolli Inc., has halted manufacture of a candy shaped like a squashed animal. It was called: Road Kill.


Street story: One of the little mysteries of L.A., we mentioned the other day, is the 97th Street Elementary School’s mailing address, which is on 98th Street.

Well, the 20 students in Mr. Grantham’s first-grade class dropped us a note--actually, 20 notes and maps--to demonstrate that their school doesn’t have its numbers wrong.

What happened was that 97th Street was shut down north of the school, with the roadway becoming part of a playground. The post office then assigned the school an address on 98th Street, its southern boundary.


OK, OK, we get the point, Moises, Nancy, Ricardo, Cesar, Itzel, Jorge, Miriam, Susie, Heydi, Lisbeth, Emmanuel, Manuel, Bernard, Angel, Jose, Nataly, Arturo, Randy, Veronica and Shrika.

More street stories: Perhaps the 97th Street kids can also investigate these mysteries, for the sake of local motorists.

* Paul Williams points out that not only does Fir Street in Inglewood become Firmona in Lennox but it appears as Ramona in Hawthorne and then Firmona again in Lawndale.


* Bill Ryan notes that National Boulevard, in its meanderings through West L.A., makes two right turns and a left turn without changing its name. Thus, there are three intersections of National and National.

* And why does Cynthia Street in West Hollywood turn into Cinthia in Beverly Hills? Cinthia is more chic?

To the rescue: We’re a sucker for a heartwarming story so we had to let you know that an awards show that salutes trashy movies has obtained financing, after all. The Razzies, now in their 13th year, will roast Marlon Brando, Kim Basinger and others in a formal ceremony March 28 at the Roosevelt Hotel, site of the first Oscars (a rival that occasionally salutes trashy movies itself).

The backer is Film Threat magazine, which Razzies founder John Wilson terms “the perfect snide sponsor.” Among Film Threat’s regular features is “Film Threat Hate Mail.”

Works of tart: Orleans restaurant refused to take down the controversial cutouts of topless women that decorated its exterior as part of a Mardi Gras promotion. But someone did.

The life-size wenches were taken off the West L.A. eatery’s balcony and owner Mary Atkinson doesn’t know who did it, though she’s posted a $500 reward.


A few days earlier she had held a public meeting to discuss the protests of some residents over the sculptures. Ironically, few people showed up. While some mothers had objected that the cutouts could be viewed by passing children, 8-year-old Erin Symons said at the meeting that she didn’t mind the nudes. But she added she preferred to look at the painting of a large blue cow that was also part of the display.


Dan Nussbaum of Silver Lake, who writes magazine stories (including updates of the classics) using only words from personalized California license plates, is now advertising his services in the Hollywood Reporter. The plate consultant to the stars composes vanity plate messages for a fee.
