
Women With AIDS

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Thank you for your in-depth article on the stigma faced by women with HIV and AIDS (“Forgotten in World of AIDS,” Feb. 21). I was very surprised, though, that you never mentioned AIDS Project Los Angeles as a resource for these women. APLA’s strong commitment to helping women with HIV and AIDS includes co-facilitating support groups specifically for women (in English and Spanish) and sponsoring a quarterly workshop about women and HIV. Any woman in Los Angeles County with AIDS or symptomatic HIV can become a client of APLA and gain access to a wide range of services sensitive to her needs; she can also request a female case manager. There are currently 183 women clients at APLA; this is 5% of our caseload.

Because women are the fastest growing group of persons becoming infected with HIV, APLA is making a special effort to address their needs through our Women and HIV Task Force.


Director of Education, AIDS Project L.A.
