
Drivers Need Education on Trucks

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This is in response to “Son’s Death Inspires Crusade to Develop Truck Safety Laws” (March 1). The problem is not always the truck or truck driver. The average driver needs to be educated about trucks. If they were educated, they would not cut trucks off, stop short, race the truck when entering or exiting freeways, stay on the side even when they know the truck has to get over and many other bad driving habits. The uninformed driver thinks a truck can stop on a dime and they test the point. Nine out of 10 single truck accidents are caused by cars cutting trucks off. Driver education would help stop 50% of the accidents.

Give the trucking companies credit. We police and repair as fast as we can. Do you ever see a car pulled over for inspection?

Also, if you are going to enforce more regulations, i.e. black boxes at $1,000 per truck, then we need to get regulation of the trucking industry back in order to make the money needed to pay for these new regulations. Trucking companies operate on a very slim profit margin, if any.



Long Beach
