
PLATFORM : Cruelty to Animals

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Usually, such incidents are not brought to the public eye. It’s horrible, but for years, because it was a hidden subject, people would get away with even more heinous crimes to animals. So it’s good that this is being brought out in public. And with him actually having to do a year’s jail time, it’s going to be a preventive measure.

Whoever thinks they can get away with crimes against animals, they’re wrong. It’s been a long time in coming and it’s unfortunate all the animals that have had to suffer throughout the years when these crimes went unpunished.

I hope we’ll see more punishment. I hope people won’t be cruel to helpless little animals. But if they are, I think more people are going to be spending time in jail, and maybe having to go through some type of therapy, because first the victims are animals, then it’s children and then adults. People who perform crimes like this are mentally unstable. They’re being cruel and violating somebody who can’t speak, who’s innocent and helpless.
