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Hatch Act Overhaul

The House passed a bill (HR 20) easing the Hatch Act so that the 2.2 million federal civilian employees and 775,000 postal workers are free to engage in partisan politics other than running for state or federal office. The same measure was defeated a week earlier when it came to the floor under a shortcut procedure that required a two-thirds majority for passage. The bill drew less opposition the second time around, in part, because it was brought to the floor under normal procedure which required only a majority vote for passage.

Supporter Pat Williams (D-Mont.) called the 54-year-old Hatch Act “a stain on America’s cherished right of freedom of political expression.”

Opponent Thomas M. Foglietta (D-Pa.) said “imagine the power of an IRS or FBI agent who comes to your door asking that you vote for or against a particular candidate.”


The vote was 333 to 86. A yes vote was to allow partisan political activity by federal workers on their own time away from the job.

How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Dreier (R) x Rep. Kim (R) x Rep. Martinez (D) x Rep. Moorhead (R) x Rep. Torres (D) x

Aviation Industry Commission

The House created a commission to recommend steps to improve the competitiveness of the faltering U.S. airline and aircraft manufacturing industries. Appointed by the White House and Democratic congressional leaders, the 22-member panel is to report its findings within 90 days and expire 30 days after that. The bill (HR 904) was sent to the Senate.


Supporter Bob Franks (R-N.J.) said “with all but one of our major airlines suffering financial losses, we can no longer afford to wait for the problem to get better on its own.”

Opponent Dan Burton (R-Ind.) asked why President Clinton, who favors the commission, wants an energy tax “that is going to add 15 cents . . . to every gallon of jet fuel” bought by the airlines?

The vote was 367 to 43. A yes vote was to set up the commission.

How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Dreier (R) x Rep. Kim (R) x Rep. Martinez (D) x Rep. Moorhead (R) x Rep. Torres (D) x


Source: Roll Call Report Syndicate
