
Witness Addresses Are Withheld From Alamo : Courts: Prosecutors say threats have been made against those expected to testify that the evangelist ordered a boy to be beaten with a paddle in Saugus.

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Prosecutors on Wednesday refused to disclose the addresses of witnesses who are scheduled to testify in the child abuse case against evangelist Tony Alamo because of fear they could be intimidated by Alamo followers.

Alamo’s attorney, Jeffrey A. Dickstein--who is seeking the addresses--said in court that prosecutors have not provided any evidence that witnesses would be endangered by disclosing where they lived.

Deputy Dist. Atty. John Asari said in court that threats have been made against witnesses who are expected to testify that Alamo ordered the 1988 beating of an 11-year-old boy who lived in a Saugus commune operated by the Holy Alamo Christian Church.


The boy said in a 1991 preliminary hearing that he was hit with a wooden paddle at least 140 times by a church member who was ordered by Alamo over the telephone to administer the punishment.

The boy testified that as many as 40 church members witnessed the beating.

Asari in an interview would not disclose which witnesses received the threats or how they were threatened.

Witnesses are routinely contacted by defense attorneys or their investigators to see if they are willing to be interviewed before trial. But a section of the state penal code allows prosecutors to keep witness addresses and telephone numbers secret if they have been threatened or face some danger because of their testimony.


San Fernando Superior Court Judge Shari Silver scheduled an April 16 hearing on the issue, which must be settled before the case goes to trial.

Alamo, who faces a possible six-year prison sentence on the charge of felony child abuse, turned down a plea bargain offer on Tuesday that, if approved by the district attorney’s office, would have guaranteed him a misdemeanor conviction with no jail sentence.

Alamo said he refused the deal because he is innocent and does not want to have a criminal record.
