
U.N. Commission on El Salvador

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The report by the Truth Commission on the war in El Salvador validates the efforts of U.S. and Salvadoran human rights and solidarity groups to expose the reality of the violence in that country. The report confirms the torture, disappearance and killing of tens of thousands of Salvadorans, most at the hands of their government. These deaths can be somewhat vindicated now through a much-needed process of accountability, based on the findings of the commission and other reliable sources.

The U.S. is demanding accountability of all those responsible for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia. In the case of El Salvador, no less of an accountability should be demanded, of Salvadoran as well as of our own government and military officials. This was a U.S.-sponsored and -supported war. The pattern of crimes committed over many years in El Salvador and the systematic cover-ups before Congress and the American people inculpate U.S. officials at the highest levels.

It is time that we in America recognize and accept our own responsibility for actions on foreign soil that we allowed and facilitated.



San Diego
