
LOS ANGELES : Korenstein Seeks End to Year-Round Schools

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Los Angeles school board member Julie Korenstein asked the board Monday to take steps that could scrap the year-round school calendar introduced two years ago.

The calendar has proven deeply unpopular with many parents, particularly in the San Fernando Valley and on the Westside.

Opponents accused Korenstein and board member Mark Slavkin, who proposed giving individual schools authority to change their school calendars, of pandering for votes in the Valley and Westside districts where they face a primary election April 20.


Korenstein introduced a motion at Monday’s board meeting instructing Los Angeles Unified School District officials to develop and submit to the board for consideration a school schedule that essentially is a return to the traditional September-to-June calendar.

But she asked that action on the proposal be delayed until Thursday after it became apparent that she would not have gotten the four votes needed for approval because Slavkin left the meeting early.
