
2nd Amendment and Guns

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I am quite simply horrified by the Conrad cartoon (March 23). All the more so because I generally share the liberal sentiments expressed in Conrad’s efforts.

What I find disturbing is the seeming ease of those in the liberal camp to subscribe to fascist methodology when it suits their purposes. To depict agents of a federal agency of questionable purpose armed with M-16 automatic rifles peering through binoculars and suggest that as long as they are confiscating guns in Waco they might as well come to Los Angeles and do the same takes my breath away.

Where are we? Have we become victims of the politics of convenience? To think that by abrogating the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens will in any way absolve us of the failure to adequately address the needs of communities throughout America is proof of the utter degeneration of the critical thinking process in those who hold this view.



Long Beach
