
PLACENTIA : Jaycee Park Now Closed at Dusk

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Problems with drugs, crime and graffiti have prompted city officials to close Jaycee Park at dusk--the second time in a year the city has taken such action regarding a city park.

The City Council earlier this week approved the closing at the request of the Police Department. Last month, the city extended indefinitely dusk closing at La Placita Park, which was experiencing many of the same problems.

A memo to the council says Jaycee Park, at Iowa and Kansas streets, is a popular hangout for youths after dark.


“There has been an increase of alcohol and drug violations in the immediate area from those who use the park during the night,” the memo reads.

Police also say a “tagger crew”--a gang of graffiti vandals--meets at the park.

The parks of Placentia generally close at 10:30 p.m.

Steve Pishel, recreation and parks director, said La Placita and Jaycee, both in the La Jolla section of the city, are the only city parks with dusk closings.

Other city parks have experienced some of the same problems that Jaycee and La Placita have. Goldenrod Park, which is east of Bradford Street off Madison Avenue, was a popular spot with so-called skinhead gangs, and nearby residents often complained of loud music and drinking there.


Incidents involving skinheads, including several beatings, also occurred at Tri-City Park, which the city co-owns with Brea and Fullerton.

But problems were eliminated at both Tri-City and Goldenrod through increased police patrols, Pishel said.

“We’ve done several things (at Jaycee Park), such as increased patrols, adding more lights,” he said. “It worked to a limited degree, but we’re still having problems.”


La Placita’s dusk closing began last May, after police said the park had become a popular gathering place for gang members. The park was also frequently vandalized.

Pishel said he did not know how long the dusk closings would continue at La Placita and Jaycee parks. There is no point in keeping the parks open at night until residents are confident they can use them safely, he said.
