
Effort to Preserve Sandstone Canyon

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We are writing in regard to the article in the San Gabriel Valley section on March 7, 1993, featuring Don Schad and his fight to preserve Sandstone Canyon. We wholeheartedly support Mr. Schad’s efforts. Our property backs onto this huge development that Diamond Bar is trying to cram down our throats. The many, many animals that live here cannot come to the planning commission and City Council meetings. We feel that we have an obligation to speak on their behalf.

Our concern has deepened after attending many planning commission meetings and noting the unbelievable, cavalier attitude of some of the people involved. Some of them have actually voiced the opinion that the area has so much smog and traffic now, what difference would it make if this huge project adds more. That kind of thinking is amazing to us. Now is the time we should be thinking about our environment and preserving what little natural habitat there is. Tomorrow will be too late.

Once again, thank you for the article on Don Schad. The article almost makes him sound like he is alone but I can guarantee that he is not alone. He has many supporters in this battle. And judging from the letters that were printed in the paper March 18, 1993, in response to this article, I know there are many people who feel as strongly as we do about this subject.



