
Decision ’93 / A Look at the Elections in Los Angeles County : Los Angeles Mayor : Wide Range of Candidates Seek to Replace Bradley

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They are the minor candidates, the Rodney Dangerfields of the mayoral election.

Among them are a doctor, a retired policeman, a homeless activist and a singer-dancer who for years did her performing on a downtown street corner.

Running on shoestring budgets against 11 better-known, better-funded candidates, they often feel that they get no respect. And some of them do not, although a number have serious messages and are using the mayoral campaign as a forum in which to express themselves.

Their presence makes this year’s the most crowded mayoral ballot in city history, with 24 candidates. That is nothing compared with an early count of more than 50 hopefuls. Many fell by the wayside because they did not meet the city’s standards for being on the ballot.


Running for mayor is easy. It requires 500 registered voters’ signatures and paying $300--or, in lieu of the fee, collecting 1,000 signatures.

Undeterred by the “name” candidates’ advertising, mass mailings and media attention, the underdogs pin their hopes on the belief that voters want not just a change but a big one.

Laurence Greenblatt (Melrose Larry Green) Born: Dec. 4, 1950

Residence: Hollywood

Education: Brandeis University, BA, and Cornell University, MBA

Career highlights: Tax preparer for 18 years.

Interests: Music

Family: Single

Quote: “I guarantee I will be elected because I am honest.”

Frank Teran Born: Dec. 23, 1936

Residence: Los Angeles

Education: Cal State L.A.

Career highlights: Twenty-five years with Local 11, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.


Interests: Full-time volunteer work for Victory Outreach Ministries International, a drug rehabilitation center and shelter.

Family: Married, two daughters.

Quote: “I have an urgency to bring immediate attention and correction to the two most critical issues in Los Angeles--violence and the homeless.”

John Borunda Born: Sept. 15, 1946

Residence: Playa del Rey

Education: Graduated from Valley University School of Law, 1978.

Career highlights: Business consultant; spent 20 years with LAPD, rising to lieutenant and watch commander in South-Central Los Angeles.


Interests: Running, bicycling, racquetball and reading.

Family: Married, three sons.

Quote: “I’m concerned about what’s happening in Los Angeles. The city has opportunity for everyone. But we need people in office who know how to make it work.”

Philip R. Ashamallah Born: July 6, 1923

Residence: Los Angeles

Education: Bachelor’s degree from Cairo University (1945); MBA (1960) and Ph.D. (1967) from USC.

Career highlights: Consulting structural engineer.

Interests: Music, languages and art.

Family: Married, two sons.

Quote: The office of mayor is “a springboard and steppingstone to be governor of California and President of the United States.”

Ted Hayes Jr. Born: March 9, 1951

Residence: Los Angeles

Education: Aberdeen High School, Maryland.

Career highlights: Activist for the homeless and part-time actor.

Interests: Dancing, running and reading.

Family: Married, four children.

Quote: “I am the only one on the ballot who can relate to issues in South-Central Los Angeles, the homeless, crime, unemployment and filth on the streets. We can’t heal Los Angeles until we clean it first. A wound needs to be cleaned before it can heal. I will call for 5,000 homeless and gang-related young people to help clean up the city.”

Kim Delynn Allen Born: Jan. 13, 1966

Residence: Los Angeles

Education: Mt. St. Mary’s College, bachelor of science

Career highlights: Railroad switch person.

Interests: Camping and mountain climbing.

Family: Married

Quote: “We need a working class perspective to be advanced that looks to our capacity as an international class, to defend ourselves on our democratic rights and standard of living, and forge our way forward for all people in a time of global economic crisis.” Eileen Anderson Born: Oct. 29, 1937

Residence: Los Angeles

Education: Holt Hill Convent, England, English major

Career highlights: A former exotic dancer and model who danced for world peace at Main and Temple streets in downtown Los Angeles for 15 years. Has run unsuccessfully for political office 16 times. Interests: Dancing, swimming and walking


Family: Married, three adult children

Quote: “I will appeal to the governor to use some of the lottery money to hire more police on horse, bicycle and foot patrol. The lottery money will also help to fund senior citizen programs, health care and to create jobs.

Adam Bregman Born: Jan. 8, 1971

Residence: Los Angeles

Education: University High School, 1989; UCLA extension classes

Career highlights: Free-lance writer for magazines, activist for the homeless, band member who sings and plays guitar

Interests: Reading, writing, swimming and traveling

Family: Single

Quote: “We need to radically change the city and make individuals and communities self-sufficient.”

Douglas Carlton Born: March 19, 1942

Residence: Hollywood

Education: University of Southern California, bachelor of science (1961).

Career highlights: Former electronics manufacturing engineer for Rockwell and Ford Motor Co. Leader of the preservation and restoration group Keep Old Los Angeles. Interests: Victorian houses.

Family: Declined to discuss

Quote: “As mayor I will open up all doors of City Hall to the people and the press at all levels. No more closed doors! We the people own the government! We the people employ government to serve us! As owners we have a right to see into every file, every room, every deal and behind every door we pay for!”. Michael Adam Leptuch Born: Sept. 21, 1946

Residence: Pacoima

Education: Cal State Los Angeles, bachelor of science in nursing, 1973.

Career highlights: Former Army Special Forces medic. Now works for the UCLA adult cardiac catheterization lab.


Interests: Remodeling cars, gardening and reading.

Family: Divorced, four children.

Quote: “Our government is so busy taking care of the rest of the world when it should be taking care of the people of Los Angeles.” Randolph M. Pavelko Born: Jan, 7, 1951

Residence: North Hollywood

Education: Two years at Harvard University.

Career highlights: Writer and taxicab driver.

Interests: Old Itailian sports cars

Family: Single

Quote: “At age 10 I started going to City Council meetings with my father, a fire chief, who taught me how to run a city. I plan to clean up the city in one year-before we all choke to death.” Leonard Shapiro Born: Sept. 11, 1919

Residence: Granada Hills

Education: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Career highlights: Retired business owner, community activist and publisher of the Los Angeles Observer newsletter.

Interests: Golf and travel

Family: Married, three adult children

Quote: “I want to stop the downtown corruption of all city politians and the corrupting effect of the huge campaign contributions. The American way of running for office doesn’t call for a person to qualify with money, yet the people running the forums invite only people who have money to spend or huge campaign funds. The main effect of corruption is incompetence.” Oscar C. Valdes Born: Sept. 6, 1945

Residence: Los Angeles

Education: University of Los Andes, Venezuela, medical degree; internship at Ochsner Foundation Hospital, New Orleans; psychiatric residency at Tulane University, New Orleans; three years in film and television program, UCLA.

Career highlights: Medical doctor. Psychiatric evaluations for the California Youth Authority and parole board, community counseling service in Koreatown, writer of screenplays and director of plays. Interests: Reading and swimming.


Family: Single

Quote: “I want to stop the decline of the city by using our most precious resource-the people of L.A.-and make the city a safe and clean place to be, where men , women and children can realize their potential as human beings.”
