
Handicapped by Red Tape

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As one who wholeheartedly endorsed the need to respond to the needs of the physically challenged, I was appalled by the idea that Newton Becker’s CPA Review program would be sued because it did not provide a sign language interpreter (“Test-Prep Firm a Test Case for Disabilities Act,” Times Valley Edition March 16).

This is very definitely not what the legislation was all about, nor is it in any way a “reasonable accommodation.”

If one needs certain accommodations that are expensive and beyond “reason,” they can be provided, but at the cost of those who need it or under some other method. Suppose, for example, students in the review course with several different handicaps, all requiring highly specialized accommodations, were to demand these be provided by the program. Is it logical to suggest that Becker somehow find the money for this? Of course not.


It is altogether logical that means to accommodate needs of the physically challenged be met reasonably. But just as Michael Newkirk indicated, “The key to passing is doing the homework.”

The discrimination in this case is on the part of the Justice Department. One must wonder if all hearing-impaired employees of the Justice Department are provided special interpreters for all occasions.


