
Nature Club: A Health Combo on Melrose

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Aren’t you exhausted from having to go to one place for your vegetarian meal, another for your tonics and elixirs, and yet another for your yoga class?

Well, take heart, herbal-infused Angelenos. Someone’s come up with an idea to combine all three. Nature Club opens April 22, offering gourmet vegetarian meals, an elixir and herbal tonic bar, plus yoga classes and massage. It’s on Melrose--natch--and we feel relaxed and tranquil just thinking about it. Maybe we’ll even unearth our Birkenstocks from the bottom of the closet for the occasion.

It causes us to fantasize about a restaurant for the rest of us--we who aren’t into drinking glass vials filled with stinky liquid of indeterminable origin. We think we’ll call it “Bad for You” and serve steaks, soda, Beer Nuts and an all-you-can-eat Twinkie and Ding Dong dessert bar. And for entertainment, there will be continuous showings of “Falling Down” and “Reservoir Dogs.”


Getting Out the Word

Social Climes is amazed at the number of people who believe they need publicists. They include: plastic surgeons, chefs, hair stylists and famous animals. To that list we add personal trainers. Lately we’ve received a number of press kits from “fitness professionals” touting their unique exercise regimes. Kind of scary--but not as scary as the day when publicists have publicists.

High Waif Factor

Not everyone, it seems, is thrilled with the new Twiggy-meets-grunge look that’s turning up all over. At one recent Hollywood soiree a woman commented on the profusion of platform shoes, the prevalence of chokers and lips that were a little too ruby.

“There’s a high waif factor,” said one woman, editing the crowd with her eyes. “The Doc Martens with the flowery dresses have got to go.”
