
Rams Get Deal Done for Goeas

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The San Diego Chargers plan to sign offensive lineman Leo Goeas to a three-year, $2.6-million contract, and then trade him to the Rams this week for a fourth-round pick in the NFL draft April 25.

“We hope to have it completed toward the end of the week,” said Jay Zygmunt, Ram senior vice president.

Charger General Manager Bobby Beathard agreed that the teams have a deal, saying that “now it’s just a matter of the paperwork being completed.”


If the Rams had signed Goeas, a restricted free agent, to an offer sheet, they would have had to give up a third-round pick to the Chargers.

“If the lower compensation was the only thing holding up the deal, then I said we would do that,” Beathard said. “We agreed to make the deal for a fourth.”

Goeas, 6 feet 4 and 292 pounds, is 26. He will step in as the leading candidate to replace Joe Milinichik, who signed with the Chargers earlier, as the Rams’ starting right guard.


Ram Notes

Coach Chuck Knox said that Monday’s signing of free agent linebacker Shane Conlan, formerly of the Buffalo Bills, won’t necessarily affect middle linebacker Larry Kelm, who remains unsigned. . . . Ram wide receiver Emile Harry, an unrestricted free agent, signed with the Denver Broncos. Conlan said he is bothered by reports that he is often injured. “It’s a little upsetting when people say, ‘Oh, he’s always hurt,’ ” he said. “I didn’t miss any games my first year. My second year I missed 2 1/2 games. Then the third year, I had the knee injury and was fortunate to miss just six games and not have to have surgery. Other than that, I just hurt my ankle a little last season.”

Times staff writer John Weyler contributed to this story.
