
Crimes Reported to the LAPD

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The number of reported crimes by precinct from Jan. 1 through Jan. 31.

Bold numbers = 1993*

Plain numbers = 1992

Burglary Theft from auto from auto (forced (vehicle Burglary entry) open) CENTRAL BUREAU Central 176* 220 520* 536 36* 64 Hollenbeck 157* 210 190* 200 67* 64 Newton 263* 238 206* 169 77* 91 Northeast 313* 289 225* 244 87* 79 Rampart 240* 290 302* 308 116* 126 SOUTH BUREAU Harbor 203* 214 147* 199 55* 70 Southwest 238* 230 200* 296 79* 101 77th 288* 238 119* 115 105* 85 Southeast 240* 187 92* 112 100* 93 WEST BUREAU Hollywood 342* 278 490* 519 54* 102 Pacific 289* 242* 384* 383 91* 83 West L.A. 237* 243 305* 361 79* 67 Wilshire 280* 302 295* 332 73* 102 VALLEY BUREAU Devonshire 305* 317* 193* 309 67* 83 Foothill 227* 232 124* 146 58* 73 North 221* 284 314* 294 98* 99 N.Hollywood Van Nuys 376* 339 345* 364 106* 95 West 344* 393 363* 443 84* 87 Valley Total 4,739* 4,746 4,814* 5,330 1,432* 1,564

Auto theft CENTRAL BUREAU Central 128* 134 Hollenbeck 315* 290 Newton 342* 364 Northeast 438* 354 Rampart 480* 474 SOUTH BUREAU Harbor 225* 224 Southwest 310* 407 77th 256* 352 Southeast 231* 215 WEST BUREAU Hollywood 437* 464 Pacific 411* 428 West L.A. 361* 344 Wilshire 489* 581 VALLEY BUREAU Devonshire 332* 416 Foothill 303* 354 North 456* 445 N.Hollywood Van Nuys 514* 516 West 438* 411 Valley Total 6,466* 6,773
