
A Lesson on Oppression

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I have just arrived home from seeing the film “Swing Kids.” I went because I love the Swing-era music and dance and, from the little I knew of the film, it covered a part of history not often highlighted, and I am always interested in learning something new. Well, I got more than I bargained for!

“Swing Kids” addresses an issue that is very relevant to our society today. The oppression portrayed in this film was not exclusive to Germany. The discrimination, ostracism and segregation in Germany earlier this century are still alive and well.

However, it is not to Germany that I refer when I recommend this film to those Americans no longer willing to ignore the social unrest bubbling in this country. We need to be reminded of what our prejudices do to people, whether to one person or to a group, and “Swing Kids” gives us that opportunity.



Newport Beach
