
L.A. Charter Amendments

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It was extremely distressing to read your position on Charter Amendment 5 (“No to Another Commission, No on 5,” editorial, April 12). Although your concern about gridlock over decision-making is well-taken, as it stands, gridlock is exactly what we have now.

For example, why should it take over 10 years to institute a policy that all pets adopted from city shelters be spayed or neutered so as not to add to the death toll in the shelters? The answer is that under the present system the citizen’s commission does not have the power to implement any policy decision, even a lifesaving one. Only bureaucrats do. A vote for Amendment 5 would change this.

Also, under the present system, help from concerned citizens has repeatedly been denied when they have tried to help this very underfunded department.


A caring commission could make very needed changes.

JODIE MANN, Executive Secretary

Actors and Others for Animals

North Hollywood
