
Sumo Corrections

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I would like to correct three errors in Teresa Watanabe’s otherwise fine piece on Tokyo’s sumo district, “Fat City” (Feb. 21). First of all, women do not necessarily have to wear slacks when visiting a sumo stable. A skirt is fine as long it’s not too revealing and the woman feels comfortable when sitting in it with legs folded under her on the floor. Secondly, Akebono, the Hawaiian who recently became sumo’s first foreign grand champion, has personally told me that he is 6 feet 9 inches, not 6-7.

Thirdly, the address for the Ryogoku Pearl Hotel is given as 1-2-24 “Yokozuna,” which should actually be read as “Yokoami.” Watanabe obviously misread the “ami” character, which looks similar to the one for “zuna/tsuna.”


