
SANTA PAULA : Planner Not Likely to Be Censured

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The Santa Paula City Council probably will not replace or discipline a planning commissioner accused of insensitivity when the council reviews the complaint at its regular meeting tonight, council members said.

The chairman of the Planning Commission, W. John Kulwiec, came under fire from businessman Zahid Shah after he criticized Shah’s plan to renovate a 10th Street service station at a commission hearing in March.

“I don’t know that we have to discipline anyone or take scalps,” said Mayor Margaret A. Ely, adding that she does not plan to introduce or support any call for punitive action.


The dispute surfaced April 5 when Shah appeared before the council and accused Kulwiec of rudeness and abuse of authority. Councilman Wayne Johnson, who had witnessed the confrontation, supported Shah’s complaint.

Last week, the commission approved Shah’s plan to build a mini-mart and service station. Although Kulwiec voted against the project, he apologized to Shah for his earlier remarks.

In an interview, Kulwiec said Shah was angry with him because he had spoken against the project. Kulwiec has served on the commission since 1988.


“If I heard about a series of similar events, I might have to take another look at it,” said Councilwoman Robin Sullivan. “But there’s not enough evidence to support any action one way or another.” Councilman John A. F. Melton said Kulwiec’s actions do not warrant disciplinary action.
