
Guttmacher Study on Gays

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When I read your article about the number of men reporting homosexual acts and, by implication, that 10% is an overestimate of the number of lesbian women and gay men in our society, I felt angry, sad, and afraid.

Given society’s loud conversation that same sex love is evil, a Bible that terms it an abomination, and the fact that it is a crime in most of our states, it becomes obvious that the number of people who would naturally live a homosexual lifestyle in the absence of society’s strong condemnation of this lifestyle is vastly underestimated.

If one could be beaten or killed for being left-handed, denied an opportunity to earn a livelihood, have custody of one’s children taken, and be imprisoned for the “crime” of being left-handed, wouldn’t that affect the number of “admitted” left-handers?



Palos Verdes
