
Airport Noise Decreasing

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Two recent letters opposing plans to enlarge the Burbank Airport fail to recognize some obvious truths--namely, the fact that noise pollution from the airport is decreasing even while passenger use has increased 40% since 1990 (according to the Airport Authority).

How do I know that there is less noise? I have lived right below the approach path in east Van Nuys since 1987. During this time, the employment of more modern aircraft has made a noticeable improvement in the level of noise. But then I knew when I bought my house that it was under the airport flight path.

Everyone living in the East Valley had to be aware that the Burbank Airport was nearby before they made their choice to live there. The Burbank Airport has been around for decades, and used to cause far more noise pollution than it does today.


The folks who would stand in the way of making it a more convenient and safer facility are of the selfish “I got mine, Jack!” mentality. Perhaps they no longer depend on the region’s economic vitality for their own security. How else can you explain their opposition to a facility so demonstrably advantageous?


Van Nuys
