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The barfly buzz: selected tavern talk. bang: n . a shot. “Give me a bang of Jaeger Meister.” beer goggles: n . alcohol-addled view of the world, sometimes leading to a lowering of expectations. “He looks a lot better now that I’ve got my beer goggles on.” brewha: n . successor to “brewski . “ Also: reeb. blow-dried: v. to be cut off, refused additional drinks. “I blow-dried the guy in the blue hat after his eighth brewha.” Also: closed, dammed and signed (as in stop signed ) . croaky: n . karaoke . DD: designated driver. DDK: designated drunk. “He’s the DD and I’m the DDK. “ flatlined: adj. to be totally inebriated. “I’ve had so many reebs I’m flatlined. “ give good wrist: v. to pour generous drinks. “I come here so often because Mike gives good wrist. “ liquid bread: n . beer. potatoed: adj. used in addition to old standbys such as hammered, plastered and plowed. Ren: v . to give a bar employee a hard time and/or no tip. “That waitress was a joke so I Renned her.” From “Ren & Stimpy,” MTV’s bad dog/good cat cartoon series. Stimp: v. to be really nice and/or leave a good tip. teen: n . a martini. Also: teenie. Tom: n . a guy obviously cruising the bar.
