
NBA PLAYOFFS / UPDATE : LAKERS : Drew: No Double-Teaming Barkley

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After scouting the Phoenix Suns for five games, Laker assistant coach Larry Drew came away impressed with their unity and versatility. He also came away sure that double-teaming Charles Barkley would cost the Lakers more than they would gain.

“A lot of teams get in awe of playing against him and do a lot of double-teaming and triple-teaming, but I personally don’t feel that’s the way to play that team,” Drew said. “You can’t double on Charles and leave everybody else open, like a (Dan) Majerle or (Danny) Ainge. Those guys are good shooters. I’m totally convinced you have to play them straight up and not give away all the open looks for Majerle and Ainge and not leave yourself vulnerable to offensive boards by coming out to (guard) Majerle.”

The Lakers will have Elden Campbell guard Barkley, with help from A.C. Green.

Friday’s game will be Coach Randy Pfund’s playoff coaching debut, but he doesn’t think of himself a rookie. “I’ve been part of four world championship series as an assistant coach and we’ve been to the finals one other time, so I’ve been involved in a lot of playoff basketball,” Pfund said. “And (assistant coach) Bill Bertka almost got a write-in direct to the finals all the years he’s been here. So we’re not short of experience in that area.”
