
Pro, Con Views of Proposed Disneyland Resort

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One of the biggest, but unfortunately contested, projects to come to Orange County since 1955 is the proposed Disneyland Resort. Not since 1955, when Disneyland opened its gates for the first time, has Orange County had the opportunity that it has today.

We should all be familiar with Disney’s proposed project, at least in concept, from all the press coverage.

In essence, they wish to build a second gated theme park modeled in concept after the highly successful Epcot in Florida. Any opposition to such a proposal stems simply from the fact that it is now in the middle of a very congested urban area.


The Santa Ana Freeway would have to be widened. New on- and off-ramps constructed. Roads realigned and/or improved. Disneyland’s parking lot removed. Giant parking structures constructed. In other words, any opposition to this entire concept seems to stem from all the infrastructure improvements needed in order for Disney to build this project.

But, as a transportation commissioner (for the city of Huntington Beach), I have seen and discussed in detail Disney’s plans and traffic concerns, and I can tell you now that traffic flow, congestion and any related problems will actually improve in comparison to what it is today.

The reason is that Disneyland grew around an existing infrastructure. But now, the proposed Disneyland Resort is to create a new infrastructure around what will take place. There is a big difference.


But, in any type situation, there is a give and take.

Disney is quite naturally looking for both local financial assistance and governmental cooperation. Even though the Disneyland Resort is a $3-billion project, even Disney cannot foot the entire bill themselves. That’s why, for all these infrastructure improvements, other financial assistance is needed. To my way of thinking, this not only makes sense, but is also a good financial investment.

What company in history is like Disney? Who has done more for the entire entertainment industry? Who has built a reputation and respected name worldwide? With interests in California, Florida, Europe, and Japan, the Disney Co. must be doing something right.

As I said, the proposed Disneyland Resort is a $3-billion project. It would also create 28,000 jobs in Orange County and bring in $90 million a year in state taxes. I personally feel that this is the time to stop dragging our feet, assist where appropriate and feasible, and finally get the Disneyland Resort off the ground.



Huntington Beach
